Xingdong Zhang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, officially accepted the 2021 Acta Biomaterilia Gold Medal at the online award ceremony held by the Society for Biomaterials on April 20, 2021 (Beijing time). He was also invited to give an academic report entitled "Tissue Inducing Biomaterials" at the meeting.
Being established in 2008, the Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal was named after the journal Acta Biomaterialia published by Elsevier. The award recognizes demonstrated leadership in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. It rewards either:
materials research that has had a significant and lasting impact on the development of the discipline, or
recent work of great originality.
This award emphasizes the nominee’s impact on their research field, rather than the metrics on their publications. Being sponsored by Acta Materialia, Inc and Elsevier, the Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal is awarded every year. The award winners will be reported in Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia and Acta Biomaterialia.

Prof. Xingdong Zhang is the fourteenth awardee since 2008. He is also the first Asian awardee. The previous award recipients include: Robert Langer (2008), Buddy Ratner (2009), Nicholas Peppas (2010), Michael Sefton (2011), David Williams (2012), James M. Anderson (2013), Larry Hench (2014), Jack Lemons (2015), Klaas de Groot (2016), Allan S. Hoffman (2017), Jeffrey Hubbell (2018), Antonios G. Mikos (2019), Cato Laurencin (2020). A total of 13 top-notch scientists in the world.
Professor Xingdong Zhang’s profile:
Professor Xingdong Zhanggraduated from Sichuan University with a major in solid state physics in 1960 and has been working at Sichuan University since. He is now a professor of Sichuan University and former president of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUSBSE). He became a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2007, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2014, and a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering in 2015. In addition, he initiated research on bioactive ceramics in 1983, and was the first in the world to systematically prove that lifeless porous calcium phosphate ceramics can induce bone formation without the use of living cells or bone growth factors. He proposed the underlying mechanism of “Tissue Inducing Biomaterials” and in 1991 revealed how to make materials osteoinductive. With his research findings, Professor Zhang has opened up a new direction for the development of biomaterials.
About Acta Materialia, Inc.
Acta Materialia, Inc was founded in 1953. Its mission includes the following: Increase and disseminate the knowledge of science and engineering of materials; Publish highest-quality journals covering the areas of materials science, biomaterials, materials engineering, and materials chemistry and physics; Support and promote scientific meetings, award prizes, and undertake other activities to further its fundamental purpose. It publishes four well-known journals: Acta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, Scripta Materialia, and Materialia.