RoboWork 2019 was recently organized by Higher Institution Innovative Teaching Guidelines Committee, Ministry of Education and International Federation of Robotics in Guangdong Province. Sichuan University team, made up of undergraduates from School of Manufacturing Science and Engeering, won a first prize and a second prize in the all-terrain engineering croos-country competition.

The theme of this engineering robot contest is "Robots lead the life of science and technology, and engineering contest opens the door of wisdom”. The all terrain engineering cross-country is the most popular event in this competition, with 154 teams participating. The participating teams include Harbin University of Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Shandong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Air Force Engineering University, Naval University of Engineering and Armored Forces College and so on.Luchuang Zhu, Jian Chen and Yaning Pu were the instructors of the SCUteam. Tianfu Iron Box by Fenghui Sun, Pengli Liu and Heng Li won the first prize in the competition, and Chuan Sanjia designed by Gaohan Zhu, Yang Li and Xun Wang won the second prize in the competition.