The National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science has revealed its 2018 list of approved research projects of National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC) in three categories of Annual Projects, Youth Projects and West China Development Projects. Sichuan University has 68 projects on the list, ranking No. 1 of all mainland Chinese universities. Of the approved projects, 11 are key reserach projects, which has put Sichunan University in the first place alongside China Academy of Social Sciences.
Over the past few years, Sichuan University has seen a stable increase in the number of research projects approved by NSSFC. 2018 has 18 projects more than 2017, a 36% increase. In 2017, Sichuan University had 50 approved projects, sharing the first place with Renmin (People’s) University of China. In 2016, Sichuan University had 45 approved research projects, ranking No. 3. In the past three years, Sichuan University has remained among the top 5, ensuring her spot in the first tier group of national social science research.
Among the 68 research projects, 11 are key projects, 28 general projects, 24 youth projects and 5 West China Development projects. These research projects touch upon 20 fields of study with 7 in management science, 5 in law, ethnology, Chinese history, Chinese literature respectively.In China, Management Science ranks No. 2 in terms of the number of approvedresearch projects, and Chinese History ranks No. 3; Archeology ranks No. 3. Moreover,World History shares the first place; Political Science and Foreign Literature both rank No. 1 nationwide.
With regard to colleges and research institutes, there are 15 colleges and institutes have received funds for research projects. College of History ranks No. 1 with 13 approved projects, followed by College of Literature and Journalism (10 projects), College of Foreign Languages (7), College of Public Administration (6). 5 are in College of Law, College of Economics, College of Business, College of International Relations respectively. And four research projects are in College of Marxism. College of Overseas Education, Institute of Taoism and Religious Cultures both have two. Institute of South Asia Studies, Institute of Social Development and West China Development, Library, Center for Mental Health each has one.
Sichuan University has attached great importance to the development of humanities and social sciences in recent years. Efficient measures and powerful organization work from the university’s second-tier units of liberal arts and Institute of Social Sciences have helped with the increase in the number of NSSFC (the National Social Science Fund of China) applications as well as the number of approved research projects.