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SCU Commencement 2024

Date:Jun 27, 2024

The Sichuan University Class 2024 Commencement and Degree Awarding Ceremony were grandly held at the Wangjiang Sports Stadium. All university leaders, including Chairman Gan Lin of the university council and President Wang Jinsong, attended the event. Also present at the ceremony were academicians of the CAS and the CAE such as Gao Jie, Zhang Xingdong, Li An-min; distinguished professors Cao Shunqin, Zhong Benhe, Zhan Shichuang, Huo Wei, and Xu Jiuping; alumni representatives and Wang Guangjin (a research fellow from the Nuclear Power Institute of China), leaders of various units, and representatives of Class 2024 graduates and parents. Vice President You Jinsong presided over the ceremony.

The solemn national anthem ushered in the most unforgettable moment in the school life of Class 2024 graduates.

Representing teachers, Professor Yu Dagang stated in his speech that Sichuan University students and alumni should stand by the university teaching of “As all rivers run to the sea, united we are strong”, and the spirit of "prudence, diligence, truth-seeking and innovation”.We should first be a good person, then achieve success, balance work and rest, have lofty aspirations, and make full use of what we have learned. We should strive to write the chapter of youth on the land of our motherland.

Alumni representative Wang Guangjin shared his own growth story in his speech, hoping that students will uphold a rigorous and realistic attitude, maintain the habit of diligence and hard work, bravely stand at the forefront of technological innovation, strive to combine personal value with national development, actively pursue the meaning of youth and the value of life in the tide of the times, and work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Speaking as the representative of undergraduate graduatingclass, Zeng Yaling stated that the training philosophy of "strong foundation, thick general education, broad vision, and multiple intersections" and the cultural characteristics of "openness, inclusiveness, depth, and grandeur" of Sichuan University depict the distinct life background of "Sichuan University People". As Sichuan University members of the new era, we will actively respond to the call of the Party, be witnesses and builders of the new era, and live up to the expectations of the times and the years ahead

On behalf of the graduating class of graduate students, Wang Menghua stated that he has strengthened his ideals and beliefs, and developed excellent skills during his eight years of studying at Sichuan University. In the future, students of Sichuan University will demonstrate their youthful achievements, showcase their youthful charm, and contribute their youthful strength to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

On behalf of the school, Wang Jinsong extends the sincerest congratulations and best wishes to all graduates of 2024, and gave the final lesson of college with the theme of "Embrace Change, Maintain Composure". He said that we are in an era full of changes, with the world undergoing unprecedented changes, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation.

He pointed out that embracing change means "fulfilling one's responsibilities and serving the country.” Students should bear in mind the General Secretary's instructions, and the "greatest and most important issue that affects a country”. They should shoulder the mission of the times, always stand together with the Party and the people, and integrate the "small goals" of personal struggle into the "big blueprint" of Chinese path to modernization. Students should become down-to-earth, action oriented and practical individuals, not indulge in empty thoughts or empty words. They should never give up when facing setbacks and never stop when facing difficulties. They should constantly use their actions to seek opportunities, verify ideas, create value, and grow into experts.

Gan Lin and Wang Jinsong present honorary certificates to the representatives of graduates who have been awarded the "Top 10" Individuals” and the “Top 10 Collectives” honors of Sichuan University in 2024.

Liu Xiaohu announced the decision to commend "Outstanding Graduates of Sichuan Province in 2024" and "Sichuan University Class 2024 graduates who voluntarily go to work in grassroots, difficult areas and industries". Vice President Zhao Changsheng announced the decision to commend the "2024 Sichuan University Graduate Excellent Thesis". University leaders, academicians, and distinguished professors present honorary certificates to the representatives of award-winning graduates.

Zhao Changsheng, a member of the Sichuan University Degree Evaluation Committee and Vice President, announced the decision to confer the degrees. The school leaders, academicians, and distinguished professors in front of the podium issue certificates to the representatives of graduates.

In the passionate chorus of "Sichuan University School Anthem", the 2024 graduates officially bid farewell to the beautiful campus engraved with their youthful footprints.

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