On 6 April,the TV program "Topics in Focus", under the title of "Joining hands to help loyal souls return their homes", reported that Jinan, in conjunction with Sichuan University and other relevantuniversities or colleges, attempted to use generative AI technology to restore thefacial featuresof martyrs.

Li Yuan, an associate professorfromthe West ChinaSchoolof Basic Medical Sciences and ForensicMedicineofSichuan University, said in an interview, "AI technology can use powerful algorithms to learn how the cranium affects the cranial surface. Once it has learnt this relationship,whenwe input a model of the skull,it can automatically generate the corresponding cranial surface. We want to do everything we can to give every martyr, a restoration of his face, so that he cannot only be known asa name, but also his living face."
Finding relatives for martyrs is a consolation to the spirits of martyrs and a comfort to the families of martyrs. Many martyrs have sacrificed their lives without even leaving a single photo. With the development of technology, experts from College of Computer Science, Archaeological Science Centre and West China School of Basic Medical Sciences and Forensic Medicine and and other experts from relevant universities or colleges carried out electronic 3D laser scanning of the remains of some martyrs and obtained digital models of the skull. They used generative AI technology to restore the appearance of the martyrs for the first time, and the appearance of two unnamed martyrs has been completed restoration. On 30 March, the photograph of Wang Jianren, the first martyr to be comprehensively restored by generative AI technology, was delivered to his family.