On November 1st, 2018, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China Published its 2017 statistics of scientific research papers in China. The statistics indicate that SCU has been on the rise in global academic influence, which is exemplified by the number of SCI papers and distinguished research papers as well as the number of SCU research papers cited.
In 2017, SCU’s articles and reviews that got accepted into SCI (Science Citation Index) numbered 4,606, an increase by 10.8% from 2016. This number put SCU in the fifth place among all Chinese universities, one place up from the previous year. Articles and/or research papers that got listed in EI (the Engineering Index) numbered 2,267, ranking the 20th place nationwide. And 3,156 articles got listed in MEDLINE database, an increase of 14.39% over 2016. This number ranked the fifth place among Chinese universities, one place up from the previous year. In addition, 4,718 articles were published inthe Key Magazine of China Technology, an increase of 24.98% over 2016. This number also ranked the fifth place among Chinese universities nationwide.
From 2008 to 2017, 33,096 SCU international articles got cited for 329,872 times. In terms of the number of articles and the number of citations, SCU ranked the fifth place and the tenth place respectively among Chinese universities nationwide. 449 articles were published in journals/magazines with an SCI impact factor in the top 10%, which put SCU in the 15th place among Chinese universities nationwide. And 1,974 articles were distinguished international research papers, an increase of 4.61% over 2016. ( Research papers with a citation number above the international average are considered distinguished articles). This number was the 8th highest among Chinese universities. And the number of distinguished articles from West China College of Medicine of Sichuan University was the highest among medical institutions nationwide. Besides, West China Hospital of Stomatology ranked No.1 among stomatology hospitals nationwide in the number of distinguished articles.